Toom Halifax Crash Monument 1944

Memorial to commemorate the crew of the LK 811 QO-N which crashed here on May 28, 1944. 4 crew members where killed, 3 of them missing.


Howard Menzies, Flight /Sgt Pilot Canada BC RCAF

John Clarke, Sergeant Flight Engineer Engeland Yorkshire RAF

Jack Gouinlock, Pilot/Officer Navigator Canada Ontario RCAF

Donald Rutherford, Pilot/Officer Bomb-aimer Canada Ontario RCAF

Walter Rowan, Sergeant Wirelessoperator Engeland Schotland RAF

Thomas Mc Clay, Sergeant Tail gunner Ierland Londonderry RAF

Herbert Rodgers, Warrant Off. Mid-up. gunner Canada BC RCAF

Robert Hall, Pilot/Officer Co-Pilot Amerika Illinois RCAF


In December 2016, Wim Ogier and René Vos devised and developed a design. The monument is equipped with 2 support beams and a propeller. Both support beams are original and from the aircraft (Halifax LK 811). The supporting beams were salvaged by the Vermeulen family, who lived nearby at the time. First a farmer's cart was made of this. The Halifax's struts symbolize the V of Freedom.  A propeller has been placed centrally in this as a sign with which this freedom has been obtained. Loose parts found were also placed in the vicinity of the crash. In this way, these parts also remain connected to the crash location.