Marchienne-au-Pont Communal Cemetery
History Information (Source: website Russian Embassy)
Here lie Soviet prisoners of war, who died in compulsory labor in the mines of Charleroi during their captivity in 1943.
In the foreground of the plot has been erected a long sloping granite pedestal, on the plinth of which is written in Russian and French: "To the Soviet soldiers who fell at Marchienne-au-Pont during the Second World War. 1941-1944 ”. The pedestal is interspersed at its center with a cubic-shaped monument with an inclined plaque bearing the following epitaph in French: "Political prisoners, prisoners of war and municipal authorities remember. 1945-1975 "
1. Grenatovsky Maksim Kirilovitch GUTEKANOVSKY M.
Born 1901, RSS d’Ukraine, Prov. de Poltava
Adresse: Région de Krasnodar, District Okhtiarsky, Stepnaya
Died 13.12.1943
2. Kirilov Alekseï Konstantinovitch KIVELOV ALEXIS
Born 1913, Prov. de Iaroslavl, District de Gavriloyamsk, Oyamkovo
Died 22.03.1943
4. Litvinenko Saveli Fedorovitch LITVENKO SAWELY
Born 1907, RSS d’Ukraine, Prov. de Dniepropetrovsk,
District de Novomoskovsk, Nikolaevka
Died 26.05.1943 (21.01.1943)
5. Minaev Dmitir Maksimovitch MINAY DMITRI
Born 20.10.1900, RSS d’Ukraine, Vorochilovgrad
Adresse: Vorochilovgrad, rue. 4 Donetskaya, 58
Died 10.01.1943
6. Rudenko Sergeï Ilitch ROUDENKO SERGE
Born 20.09.1900 (1906), УССР, Киевская обл., Бабанский р-н, д.Островец
Died 26.05.1943
7. Smal Ivan Aleksandrovitch SMALL IVAN
Born 1902, RSS d’Ukraine, Prov. de Tchernigov, Smolyanka
Died 05.01.1944
8. Strarodubets Georgi Kirilovitch STARADULEZ GEORGY
Born 1895, Prov. de Kherson
Died 25(29).01.1943
9. Chelipov Vassili Fedorovitch SKEPILOW WASSALY
Born 05.10.1906, Prov. de Kursk, District d’Oktiabrsk, Bytchek,
Adresse: Province Stalinskaya, Makeevka, rue St Tsernalnaya 465
Died 02.11.1943
10. Chemtchuk Grigori Moissevitch SCHENTSKUK MOISSE
Born 1900, RSS d’Ukraine, Prov. de Vinnitsa, District Barnovitsky, Stepanovka
Died 15.01.1943