Clausen Kriegsgräberstätte - German War Cemetery

Historical  Information (source: Wikipedia)

The Clausen German war cemetery is a German military cemetery in Luxembourg City. The cemetery primarily contains remains from World War I and World War II; however it also contains military remains from the Belgian Revolution, the Prussian garrison located in the city between 1815-1867 and the Franco-Prussian War.


World War I and World War II burials

During the winter and spring 1945 battles in Luxembourg, the American grave service recovered the remains of German casualties of the Battle of Bulge and buried them in two provisional burial grounds; the Germans in Sandweiler, the Americans in Hamm. Following an agreement reached in 1952 between the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Federal Republic of Germany, German remains from 150 different cemeteries throughout Luxembourg were moved to Sandweiler German war cemetery however those in Clausen were left in place.

World War I : 196

World War II : 262