Orchard Dump Cemetery, France - Funeral Service

A burial service for Able Seaman James Cameron Robertson,  Anson Battalion,  Royal Naval Division was held at Orchard Dump Cemetery, France at 10:30am on 11 July 2018.


Able Seaman James Cameron Robertson lost his life during the Battle of Gavrelle on April 28, 1917. His body was never found and he is currently commemorated on the Arras Memorial in France.  Born in Aberdeen in 1891 to John Mckay Robertson and Helen Cameron, James joined the Royal Naval Division, which was created by Winston Churchill at the beginning of the First World War.  This division consisted of two brigades along infantry lines and ended up fighting in almost all the major battles during the war.


At the beginning of the war James served with the Hood Battalion, fighting in Gallipoli and Northern France. After recovering from a combat related injury, James was drafted to the Anson Battalion in January 1917.


The CWGC will mark his grave with a new headstone bearing his name and a personal inscription chosen by his family.


The service has been organised by the Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre, Ministry of Defence and attended by family members, British Defence Staff, Royal Navy representatives, CWGC staff and local dignitaries.


Orchard Dump Funeral - Order of Service
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