Cambrai Memorial
Historical Information (Source: CWGC)
On an elevated terrace in Louverval Military Cemetery in Louverval, France, stands the Cambrai Memorial. It commemorates more than 7,000 servicemen from Britain and South Africa who died in the Battle of Cambrai whose graves are not known. The memorial was designed by Harold Chalton Bradshaw.
The cemetery now contains 124 First World War burials.
Private George William Burdett CLARE - 6657 - 5th (Royal Irish) Lancers
Died 28 November 1917
Country of Service: United Kingdom
Awards: Victoria Cross
An extract from the "London Gazette," dated 8th Jan., 1918, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty when, acting as a stretcher-bearer during a most intense and continuous enemy bombardment, Pte. Clare dressed and conducted wounded over the open to the dressing-station about 500 yards away. At one period when all the garrison of a detached post, which was lying out in the open about 1 50 yards to the left of the line occupied, had become casualties, he crossed the intervening space, which was continually swept by heavy rifle and machine-gun fire, and, having dressed all the cases, manned the post single-handed till a relief could be sent. Pte. Clare then carried a seriously wounded man through intense fire to cover, and later succeeded in getting him to the dressing station. At the dressing-station he was told that the enemy was using gas shells to a large extent in the valley below, and as the wind was blowing the gas towards the line of trenches and shell-holes occupied, he started on the right of the line and personally warned every company post of the danger, the whole time under shell and rifle fire. This very gallant soldier was subsequently killed by a shell."
Grave Reference: Panel 1.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Private Frederick George DANCOX - 21654 - 4th Bn. Worcestershire Regiment
Died 30 November 1917
Country of Service: United Kingdom
Awards: Victoria Cross
An extract from "The London Gazette," dated 23rd Nov., 1917, records the following:-"For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty in attack. After the first objective had been captured and consolidation had been started, work was considerably hampered, and numerous casualties were caused, by an enemy machine gun firing from a concrete emplacement situated on the edge of our protective barrage. Pte. Dancox was one of a party of about ten men detailed as moppers-up. Owing to the position of the machine gun emplacement, it was extremely difficult to work round a flank. However, this man with great gallantry worked his way round through the barrage and entered the" Pillbox "from the rear, threatening the garrison with a Mills bomb. Shortly afterwards he reappeared with a machine gun under his arm, followed by about 40 enemy. The machine gun was brought back to our position by Pte. Dancox, and he kept it in action all day. By his resolution, absolute disregard of danger and cheerful disposition, the morale of his comrades was maintained at a very high standard under extremely trying circumstances."
Grave Reference: Panel 6.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Second Lieutenant James Samuel EMERSON - 9th Bn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
Died Between 05 and 06 December 1917
Country of Service: United Kingdom
Awards: Victoria Cross
An extract from "The London Gazette," dated 12th Feb., 1918, records the following:-"For repeated acts of most conspicuous bravery. He led his company in an attack and cleared 400 yards of trench. Though wounded, when the enemy attacked in superior numbers, he sprang out of the trench with eight men and met the attack in the open, killing many and taking six prisoners. For three hours after this, all other Officers having become casualties, he remained with his company, refusing to go to the dressing station, and repeatedly repelled bombing attacks. Later, when the enemy again attacked in superior numbers, he led his men to repel the attack and was mortally wounded. His heroism, when worn out and exhausted from loss of blood, inspired his men to hold out, though almost surrounded, till reinforcements arrived and dislodged the enemy."
Grave Reference: Panel 5.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Major Frederick Henry JOHNSON - Cdg. 231st Field Coy. Royal Engineers
Died 26 November 1917
Country of Service: United Kingdom
Awards: Victoria Cross
An extract from "The London Gazette," dated 16th Nov., 1915, records the following:-"For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty in the attack on Hill 70 on 25th Sept., 1915. Second Lieutenant Johnson was with a section of his company of the Royal Engineers. Although wounded in the leg, he stuck to his duty throughout the attack, led several charges on the German redoubt, and at a very critical time, under very heavy fire, repeatedly rallied the men who were near him. By his splendid example and cool courage he was mainly instrumental in saving the situation and in establishing firmly his part of the position which had been taken. He remained at his post until relieved in the evening."
Grave Reference: Panel 1.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Captain Allastair Malcolm Cluny MCREADY-DIARMID - 4th Bn. attd. 17th Bn. Middlesex Regiment
Died 01 December 1917
Country of Service: United Kingdom
Awards: Victoria Cross
An extract from "The London Gazette," dated 12th March, 1918, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery and brilliant leadership. When the enemy penetrated some distance into our position and the situation was extremely critical, Capt. McReady-Diarmid at once led his company forward through a heavy barrage. He immediately engaged the enemy, with such success that he drove them back at least 300 yards, causing numerous casualties and capturing 27 prisoners. The following day the enemy again attacked and drove back another company which had lost all it's officers. This gallant officer at once called for volunteers and attacked. He drove them back again for 300 yards, with heavy casualties. Throughout this attack Capt. McReady-Diarmid led the way himself, and it was absolutely and entirely due to his marvellous throwing of bombs that the ground was regained. His absolute disregard for danger, his cheerfulness and coolness at a most trying time, inspired all who saw him. This most gallant officer was eventually killed by a bomb when the enemy had been driven right back to their original starting point."
Grave Reference: Panel 9.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Captain Walter Napleton STONE - 3rd Bn. attd. 17th Bn. Royal Fusiliers
Died 30 November 1917
Country of Service: United Kingdom
Awards: Victoria Cross
An extract from "The London Gazette," dated 12th Feb., 1918, records the following:-"For most conspicuous bravery when in command of a company in an isolated position 1,000 yards in front of the main line, and overlooking the enemy's position. He observed the enemy massing for an attack, and afforded invaluable information to battalion headquarters. He was ordered to withdraw his company, leaving a rearguard to cover the withdrawal. The attack developing with unexpected speed, Capt. Stone sent three platoons back and remained with the rearguard himself. He stood on the parapet with the telephone under a tremendous bombardment, observing the enemy and continued to send back valuable information until the wire was cut by his orders. The rearguard was eventually surrounded and cut to pieces, and Capt. Stone was seen fighting to the last till he was shot through the head. The extraordinary coolness of this heroic officer and the accuracy of his information enabled dispositions to be made just in time to save the line and avert disaster." Grave Reference: Panel 3.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Captain Richard William Leslie WAIN - 25th Bn. Manchester Regiment attd. "A" Bn. Tank Corps
Died 20 November 1917
Country of Service: United Kingdom
Awards: Victoria Cross
An extract from "The London Gazette," dated 13th Feb., 1918, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery in command of a section of Tanks. During an attack the Tank in which he was, was disabled by a direct hit near an enemy strong point which was holding up the attack. Capt. Wain and one man, both seriously wounded, were the only survivors. Though bleeding profusely from his wounds, he refused the attention of stretcher-bearers, rushed from behind the Tank with a Lewis gun, and captured the strong point, taking about half the garrison prisoners. Although his wounds were very serious he picked up a rifle and continued to fire at the retiring enemy until he received a fatal wound in the head. It was due to the valour displayed by Capt. Wain that the infantry were able to advance."
Grave Reference: Panel 13.
(Source: Wikipedia)