Rogecourt Communal Cemetery

Historical Information (Source: CWGC)

About 20 yards west of the Calvary in the cemetery, at the junction of the main paths, are the graves of six airmen. One of them belonged to the Royal Air Force and the others to the Royal Australian Air Force.


Served with

  • Australian (5)
  • United Kingdom (1)

Served in

  • Air Force (6)

Halifax III HX274

Took off 2103 10 April 1943 from RAF Leconfield on a mission to Tergnier, France, to bomb the rail facilities.


Flight Sergeant Patrick John BOURKE (426822) RAAF

Sergeant Arthur Samuel HARMAN (1804459) Flight Engi RAF    

Flight Sergeant Roy Alleyne INCE (418954) RAAF

Flight Sergeant Herbert Alfred JACOB (420203) RAAF

Flying Officer Colin Neilson LAMB (400387) RAAF

Flight Sergeant Robert Stephen WESTERMAN (418779) RAAF