Tyne Cot Cemetery - Rededication Ceremony for 2nd Lieutenant Reginald Hickling.

On 25th April 2017, on Anzac Day, a Rededication Service was held for 2nd Lt Reginald Hickling.


Members of Australia’s Federation Guard pay their respects to Second Lieutenant Reginald Hickling of the 51st Battalion, the Australian Defence Force recognised his final resting place on what would have been his 122nd birthday.


Reginald Hickling was born on the 25th April 1895 and enlisted in the 1st AIF on 6th July 1916. After arriving in Egypt and training with the 11th Battalion he became one of the original members of the 51st Battalion when the Australian 4th Division was raised.  2LT Hickling was KIA by shellfire, at Broodseinde, on 12 October 1917. His final resting place was unknown until researchers from Fallen Diggers Inc discovered his grave in Tyne Cot Cemetery, Belgium in 2015.


The ceremony was held directly after the Anzac service and attended by all the dignitaries, the military representatives and the ambassadors from the represented countries.


Tyne Cot Cem
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