Emsland Lager II Aschendorfermoor 23 July 2024

Lager II Aschendorfermoor

Papenburg - Herbrum, Friedhof von Opfern der Gewaltherrschaft (info: Volksbund)

195 unknown dead rest in this grave complex, often referred to as the "Herold cemetery". 172 of them were victims of the Herold massacre in the Aschendorfermoor penal camp between April 12 and 19, 1945, and 23 were victims of the bombing of the camp by British aircraft on April 19.

After the dead were buried in various places on the edge of the camp in April 1945, they were exhumed in February 1946 and buried in the newly created cemetery on the former camp site.


Papenburg Herbrum Friedhof Von Opfern Der Gewaltherrschaft
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