Hop Store Cemetery

History Information (Source: CWGC)

Although Vlamertinghe (now Vlamertinge) was just within range of the German artillery for the greater part of the First World War, units of Allied heavy artillery and field ambulances occasionally stationed their headquarters there. The Hop Store Cemetery, opened in May 1915, was on the safer side of the village but it remained a small cemetery because of its position between a hedge and the premises of the hop store itself. The site was low and marshy, particularly at the west end, and was drained by the Royal Engineers early in 1917.


There are now 251 First World War burials within the cemetery, almost exclusively of 1915 and 1917. The cemetery was designed by Sir Reginald Blomfield.


Served with

·         United Kingdom (250)

·         Canadian (1)

Served in

·         Army (251)

Hop Store
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