Guxhagen - KZ Breitenau

Historical Information (Source: Wikipedia)

In June 1932, the National Socialists opened a re-education centre in the Benedictine monastery complex. Political enemies were locked up here and prepared for life outside the camp through intimidation. In 1933, an early concentration camp was added to the complex, where 470 political prisoners were housed between June 1933 and March 1934. Finally, the decision was made to close KZ Breitenau in March 1934.

In 1940, the concentration camp was reopened, now under the supervision of the Gestapo. From 1940 to 1945, 8,500 internees were held there, of whom 6,500 were foreigners and 2,000 Germans. The internees stayed in KZ Breitenau for an average of only 56 days. The camp was closed in 1945, shortly before the arrival of the American army. Of the 8,500 internees, 1,800 were deported to other concentration camps.

Since 1984, a permanent exhibition has been held in one of the monastery buildings in memory of the Nazi period.