La Clytte Military Cemetery
History Information (Source: CWGC)
The first burial in the cemetery took place on the 1st November, 1914, and between that date and April, 1918, Plots I, II and III and part of Plot IV were filled. The hamlet of La Clytte was used as Brigade Headquarters, and the burials were carried out by Infantry, Artillery and Engineer units (out of 600, 250 are those of Artillery personnel and 66 are those of Engineers). After the Armistice Plot IV was completed, and Plots V and VI formed by the concentration of isolated graves and small graveyards from the area round Reninghelst, Dickebusch, Locre and Kemmel.
There are now 1,082 casualties of the First World War buried or commemorated in this cemetery. 238 of the burials are unidentified and one of the graves, brought in from LEICESTER CAMP CEMETERY, is marked with the names of two men between whom the identification rests. Other special memorials commemorate casualties known to have been buried in the cemetery, but whose graves could not be located. The cemetery was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens.
Served with
· United Kingdom (778)
· Canadian (50)
· Australian (10)
· South African (5)
· New Zealand (3)
Served in
· Army (844)
· Air Force (2)