Boves Bois de Gentelles Memorial

Monument Executions August 1944

Commemorates 27 people who were shot dead here by the Germans in August 1944. Of the two executions that took place, the first in early August 1944 (night of 8 to 9 August), the second in the night of 28 to 29 August 1944.

Eight resistance fighters had been brought by the Germans from their cell in the citadel of Amiens to the edge of the Bois de Gentelles, on the night of 8 to 9 May 1944, and executed on the spot. Their bodies had been thrown into one of the pits. As for the 18 other victims, including a woman, they had been killed with machine guns and finished off with rifle butts on the night of 28 to 29 August 1944, after having been, for the most part, tortured.  

26 of the 27 victims could be identified, including:

Camille BIZET / Maurice CAMIN / André CARPENTIER / Paul COURCELLE / Marcel DELAMOTTE / Arthur DUBOIS / Marguerite DUFLOS / Charles DUPUICH / Charles ÉMILE / Jean FOURRAGE / Charles Émile HENRI / Robert MARÉCHAL / Jacques NOIRET / Jean NOIRET / René PASTOL / Marcel PAYMENT / André ROGER / Emile SAJOT / Alfred SÉGARD / Robert VANWEYDEVELDT / Adolphe VINCENT / Morand WAQUEZ / Raymond WAQUEZ / Marcel WYNCKE

- Passant respecte ses lieux … ici, en aout 1944, 27 patriotes ont été abattus sauvagement et leur sang a baigné cette terre pour que tu reste libre

- Passerby respects these places... here, in August 1944, 27 patriots were savagely killed and their blood bathed this land so that you remain free

- Ici le 8 Septembre 1944 les FFI (Forces Françaises de l’intérieur (FFI) de Boves découvrent les corps de 27 patriots exterminés par les Allemands

Tel ce charnier a été découvert tel il a été conservé

- Here on September 8, 1944, the FFI of Boves discovered the bodies of 27 patriots exterminated by the Germans.

As this mass grave was discovered as it was preserved.