Eppegem, Belgium - Remembrance 27 August 2023

On Sunday, August 27, we commemorate the victims of the fighting in our region during the sorties from Antwerp in August and September 1914.

The commemoration, in collaboration with the administration of the municipality of Zemst, takes place on the Martelarenplein and then moves along the Brusselse Steenweg to the Military Cemetery.



09.30 am : Start of Eucharistic celebration in the parish church of Eppegem.

10.15 am: Tribute to the monument of war victims from all over Zemst in front of the church.

10.30 am : Joint trip to the military cemetery in Eppegem

10.45 am : Ceremony at the military cemetery with floral tribute.

11.30 am : Joint trip to the center of Eppegem for the reception.