Tyne Cot Cemetery, Belgium - New Zealand Centenary Ceremony.

New Zealand Centenary Ceremony at Tyne Cot Cemetery, 12th October 2017.  

In the presence of HRH the Duke of Cambridge and Princess Astrid of Belgium .


One hundred years ago in Belgium, New Zealand suffered its darkest day. More than 800 New Zealand soldiers died at the Battle of Passchendaele. Now New Zealand returns to remember those laid to rest on Belgian soil, those who returned to a distant home -  and the ties that still bind our countries a century later.


The New Zealand National Commemoration for the Battle of Passchendaele took place at 11 a.m. on 12 October 2017 at Tyne Cot Cemetery. This is the largest Commonwealth War Grave Cemetery in the world. It contains 520 New Zealand graves and further New Zealanders are listed on the New Zealand Memorial to the Missing in the Battles of Passchendaele.