Fort Breendonk - Book presentation

Book presentation "Een pakje voor vader" author Danny Carleer

January 26, 1943. The Gestapo arrests Karel Van Bever at his workplace at the ASLK in Brussels. A colleague betrayed him. Karel collaborated with a few left-wing trade unionists on the covert magazine L'Union – De Unie. That same day the SS raided his home in Borgt for a search. He is imprisoned in the prison of Saint-Gilles. For interrogations, it goes to the infamous Gestapo headquarters on Avenue Louise in Brussels. Karel doesn't say anything. On March 5, he is transferred to Fort Breendonk, from where he is deported as a Nacht und Nebel prisoner on June 26 to the dreaded concentration camp Mauthausen in Austria, where he arrives on July 10.


The book presentations are organized in collaboration with the Fort van Breendonk National Memorial, the non-profit organization Friends of Fort Breendonk, trade unionist Rik Van Bever and Edmond Eycken, the president of the National Confederation of Political Prisoners and Rightholders of Belgium. Herbart Beyers, War Heritage Institute event coordinator, provided the introduction.