Niederzwehren Russian Cemetery

Historical information (Source: Wikipedia)

Directly adjacent to the British Friedhof is the Russian Kriegsgefangene Friedhof.  More than 2,000 prisoners of war from World War I are buried here. There are no gravestones in this cemetery, but an Orthodox cross with a memorial plaque and unmarked crosses commemorate the Russian war victims buried there.  The memorial stone in the middle of the cemetery commemorates 38 German soldiers who, while guarding the prisoner of war camp, fell victim to a typhus epidemic brought in by Russian prisoners.

Inscription of the gravestone:

Militibus Galliae Russiae Britanniae Belgicae in Chassallae castris defunctis comilitones MCMXIV-MCMXVI (For the French, Russian, British and Belgian comrades who died in the Kassel camp between 1914 and 1916)

Inscription on the metal plate:

In 1916, this stone was erected by Belgian, English, French and Russian prisoners of war for their comrades who died in the Kassel prisoner of war camp. In May 1959, it was found in the rubble during the reconstruction of the city destroyed in the 1939-1945 war and brought to this location by Belgian soldiers.