Hötzelsroda - Dürrerhof Kriegsgräberstätte 

Info: Volksbund

There are 380 German soldiers of the Second World War buried in this cemetery.

This war cemetery was renovated after 1990. Eisenach was an important vehicle and automobile manufacturing location for the German armaments industry. In addition, the Eisenach-Dürrerhof aircraft engine factory was located here near the Hötzelsroda war cemetery. As a result, Eisenach was also increasingly exposed to Allied bombing raids from 1944 onwards. See also the information on the war graves at the main cemetery in Eisenach.

The war graves at the former main dressing station in Hötzelsroda are mainly occupied by German soldiers "from the last contingent", including many "unknowns" who were killed in the fighting in early April 1945 in the northwest of the Thuringian Forest, on the "Werra line" in the Hessian/Thuringian border region and in the Eisenach area in the last weeks of the Second World War, or who subsequently died of their injuries. German fighter pilots who were killed in action in 1944/45 were also buried here. The last burial of a fighter pilot who was only recovered after 63 years took place in October 2008.

Durrerhof Hotzelsroda
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