Vimy Memorial
Historical Information (Source: CWGC)
The Battle of Vimy Ridge was fought from 9 to 12 April 1917. Many consider it a turning point in Canadian history, where the four Canadian divisions fought together.
The Battle of Arras began on Easter Monday, 9 April 1917, and saw the four divisions of the Canadian Corps, fighting side by side for the first time. They scored a huge tactical victory in the capture of the 60 metre high Vimy Ridge.
After the war, the highest point of the ridge was chosen as the site of the great memorial to all Canadians who served their country in battle during the First World War, and particularly to the 54,000 who gave their lives in France and Belgium. It also bears the names of 11,000 Canadian servicemen who died in France - many of them in the fight for Vimy Ridge - who have no known grave. France granted Canada 107 hectares of land at Vimy, and sculptor Walter Seymour Allward was chosen to design the memorial. Work began in 1925 and was completed 11 years later. The memorial was unveiled by King Edward VIII on 26 July 1936. More than 100,000 people attended the ceremony, including 6,000 Canadian veterans.
Lieutenant Robert Grierson COMBE - 27th Bn. Canadian Infantry
Died 03 May 1917 Age 35
Country of Service: Canadian
Awards: Victoria Cross
An extract from "The London Gazette," dated 27th June, 1917, records the following:-"For most conspicuous bravery and example. He steadied his Company under intense fire and led them through the enemy barrage, reaching the objective with only five men. With great coolness and courage Lt. Combe proceeded to bomb the enemy, and inflicted heavy casualties. He collected small groups of men and succeeded in capturing the Company objective, together with eighty prisoners. He repeatedly charged the enemy, driving them before him, and whilst personally leading his bombers was killed by an enemy sniper. His conduct inspired all ranks, and it was entirely due to his magnificent courage that the position was carried, secured and held."
(Source: Wikipedia)
Sergeant Frederick HOBSON - 57113 - 20th Bn. Canadian Infantry
Died 18 August 1917 Age 41
Country of Service: Canadian
Awards: Victoria Cross
An extract from "The London Gazette," dated 16th Oct., 1917, records the following:-"During a strong enemy counter-attack a Lewis gun in a forward post in a communication trench leading to the enemy lines, was buried by a shell, and the crew, with the exception of one man, was killed. Serjt. Hobson, though not a gunner, grasping the great importance of the post, rushed from his trench, dug out the gun, and got it into action against the enemy who were now advancing down the trench and across the open. A jam caused the gun to stop firing. Though wounded, he left the gunner to correct the stoppage, rushed forward at the advancing enemy and, with bayonet and clubbed rifle, single-handed, held them back until he himself was killed by a rifle shot. By this time however, the Lewis gun was again in action and reinforcements shortly afterwards arriving, the enemy were beaten off. The valour and devotion to duty displayed by this non-commissioned officer gave the gunner the time required to again get the gun into action, and saved a most serious situation."
(Source: Wikipedia)
Private William Johnstone MILNE - 427586 - 16th Bn. Canadian Infantry
Died 09 April 1917 Age 24
Country of Service: Canadian
Awards: Victoria Cross
An extract from the Second Supplement to The London Gazette, dated 8th June, 1917, records the following:-"For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty in attack. On approaching the first objective, Pte. Milne observed an enemy machine gun firing on our advancing troops. Crawling on hands and knees, he succeeded in reaching the gun, killing the crew with bombs, and capturing the gun. On the line re-forming, he again located a machine gun in the support line, and stalking this second gun as he had done the first, he succeeded in putting the crew out of action and capturing the gun. His wonderful bravery and resource on these two occasions undoubtedly saved the lives of many of his comrades. Pte. Milne was killed shortly after capturing the second gun."
(Source: Wikipedia)
Sergeant Robert SPALL - 475212 - Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (Eastern Ontario Regiment)
Died 13 August 1918 Age 25
Country of Service; Canadian
Awards: Victoria Cross
An extract from "The London Gazette," dated 26th Oct., 1918, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery and self-sacrifice when, during an enemy counter-attack, his platoon was isolated. Thereupon Serjt. Spall took a Lewis gun and, standing on the parapet, fired upon the advancing enemy, inflicting very severe casualties. He then came down the trench directing the men into a sap seventy-five yards from the enemy. Picking up another Lewis gun, this gallant N.C.O. again climbed the parapet, and by his fire held up the enemy. It was while holding up the enemy at this point that he was killed. Serjt. Spall deliberately gave his life in order to extricate his platoon from a most difficult situation, and it was owing to his bravery that the platoon was saved."
(Source: Wikipedia)
The Memorial
The Memorial in detail
The Weeping Woman
The Trenches