R.E. Farm Cemetery
History Information (Source: CWGC)
Wytschaete (now Wijtschate) was in Allied hands until 1 November 1914, from June 1917 to April 1918, and from 28 September 1918 onwards. It was the scene of exceptionally severe fighting in November 1914 and April 1918. "R.E. Farm" was the military name given to the Ferme des douze Bonniers. This building remained in Allied hands until April 1918. In December 1914 the 1st Dorsets began a cemetery (No.1) on the east side of the farm, which was used by fighting units and field ambulances until April 1916, and occasionally in 1917. In January 1915, the same battalion began another cemetery (No.2) on the west side of the farm. This cemetery was little used and after the Armistice, the 23 graves it contained were moved into No.1, which was then renamed.
R.E. Farm Cemetery contains 179 First World War burials, 11 of them unidentified. The cemetery was designed by W C Von Berg.