Nécropole nationale de Notre-Dame de Lorette

Historical Information (Source: Wikipedia)

The Nécropole nationale de Notre-Dame de Lorette is a French military cemetery of the fallen of the First World War, located in the French municipality of Ablain-Saint-Nazaire. The cemetery is located one kilometer north of the village on the hill of Notre-Dame de Lorette that overlooks the surrounding plain.


More than 40,000 killed French soldiers are buried in the cemetery. Some 20,000 are in individual graves and more than 20,000 are in a mass grave. There are burials of the remains of 64 Russians, 1 Belgian and 1 Romanian.


The site covers about 13 hectares and is centrally located on a large square on which two imposant monuments are opposite, namely a basilica and a lantern tower that houses a crypt.