KZ Drütte / Salzgitter, Germany – 30 April 2025

KZ Drütte / Salzgitter


One of the first subcamps of the Neuengamme concentration camp was the Drütte concentration camp. It was set up in October 1942 in the rooms of camp 27 under an elevated road on the factory premises of the "Hermann Göring" Reich Works.  The four accommodation blocks were located in the bend area of ​​the road. The infirmary, warehouse, office and kitchen were also part of the concentration camp. Around 150 concentration camp guards were housed in two well-equipped barracks in the area of ​​the outer bend.


The prisoner transports mainly came from the main camp in Neuengamme; the number of prisoners quickly rose to around 3,000.  The prisoners of the Drütte concentration camp were put to work in armaments production at the "Hermann Göring" Reich Works. The focus was on the newly established "Action 88". Grenades with a caliber of 8.8 cm were produced there.


Between October 1942 and April 1945, several hundred men died in the Drütte concentration camp.  On April 7, 1945, four days before the Allied troops marched into Salzgitter, the SS evacuated the Drütte concentration camp subcamp.