Dörpen Kriegsgräberstätte - German War Cemetery

Dörpen, Katholischer Friedhof  (info:Volksbund)

According to the information available to us, a total of 64 dead from the Second World War are buried in this cemetery in a very well-kept war cemetery at the first cemetery entrance on the left.

In single graves:

- 33 German soldiers from the army and navy, 10 of whom are unknown

- 31 soldiers from the 1st Polish Panzer Division.

The high number of casualties on both sides speaks for the severity of the fighting for the Ems and coastal canal crossings in the Heede - Dörpen area between April 13th and 17th, 1945. The strong German resistance surprised the Canadian/Polish troops, Dörpen had to be evacuated after it was taken on April 15th, the population was evacuated to surrounding towns, 84 houses were set on fire, and belongings were looted.

Dörpen-Haar was razed to the ground. The German population was not allowed to return to their town until April 23rd, 1945.


Dörpen Katholischer Friedhof
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